2016年5月31日 星期二


Out Living It Trailer

Cancer Survivors Reclaim Their Lives Through Rock Climbing

相當有意義的一篇攀岩相關報導.有別於許多針對攀岩訓練或是技巧教學的文章,本文旨在描述一個美國的非營利戶外探索組織, FIRST DESCENTS, 提供一個計劃,讓一些經歷過癌症治療的年輕病友免費參與攀岩,獨木舟,衝浪等戶外活動體驗營,以另一種方式協助這些病友對抗病魔,恢復正常生活,也讓一樣有相同病症的病友們有機會彼此相聚.


“Cancer is the easy part because you’re so focused on it and that’s all that matters. It’s post-cancer life that sucks.” —Madrona

Madrona 說: "治療癌症算是過程中相對簡單的部份,因為焦點都在對抗;療程過後的日子才是真正難熬"

Having cancer, especially at an age where I was supposed to be healthy and full of vitality, took away my ability to trust that my body won’t fail me,” 31-year-old Jupiter said about being diagnosed with colon cancer at 26. “Every time I go to the doctor to get a blood test or a scan, I am convinced it will have come back, even now four years out. Being able to crush huge rocks and push past the difficult climbs gave me back some sense that my body is mine again

現年31歲的 Jupiter 說: "特別是像我這樣在應該是健康又充滿活力的年紀得到癌症,讓我失去了相信自己的能力",她在26歲時發病;"即使我已經4年沒有再發病,每次回醫院複診,我都認為癌症會再復發;能夠在這裡征服如此壯觀的岩壁,克服困難的攀登,讓我再次感覺我可以掌控自己的身體"

Climbing forces you to focus in so fully on what you’re doing right at that very moment that everything else just sort of falls away You can’t make a grocery list or go through the talking points of your next work meeting while climbing, and similarly, you can’t dwell on your recent radiation treatment or fret about your checkup next week while gripping small holds 100 feet off the ground.


Most of the participants arrived with little to no climbing experience, and out of that lack of experience came a feeling common to both climbing and cancer—fear.

大多的營隊隊員幾乎都沒有攀岩的經驗,這恰好讓攀岩與癌症有了一個對隊員們來說的共通點 - 恐懼

No one cared—or even asked once—about grades. No one cursed their own performance or got down on themselves when they couldn’t do something. No one complained about the weather (it was 90° every day) or their skin or the rubber on their shoes not being sticky enough. Every moment of every day was met with huge smiles and constant laughter.


“In order to survive, I had been forced to take my health into my own hands; I had to rely on myself,” Coconuts pointed out. “But with climbing, you become glued emotionally to those around you, because you are forced to trust and rely on others…. You cannot manage alone.”

Coconuts 說: "療程中為了活下去,我必須為我自己的健康負責;我只能靠自己,""但是攀岩,讓你在情感上與岩友們連結,因為你必須相信妳的繩伴...你無法只靠自己."

What I realized is that climbing in particular is an ideal mix of a physical and mental challenge that forces campers to put aside the conundrum of post-cancer life.


“I think it’s nice to be scared of something...else.” —Jupiter

Jupiter 說: "我想,有另一項除了癌症以外讓我恐懼的事情...這感覺不錯"

As Crush wrote in a post-trip blog post, “[Getting to the top of the hardest climb] was a turning point in my climbing experience. I no longer looked up and wondered if I could do it. I looked up and wondered how I would do it.”

Crush 在活動後寫的一篇網誌中提到: "完攀活動中最難的攀登路線是我攀岩體驗中的轉淚點. 我不再想著我能不能做到...我專注在我將要怎麼做"

What if we put that time and effort into helping a group outside ourselves—imagine what our smart, competent, and hard-working tribe could accomplish.


Now, when I’m getting frustrated that I can’t do a move or I keep falling, I tell myself that in the grand scheme of things, climbing doesn’t matter. It’s just this great hobby that gives me great exercise, lets me be outside, takes me to cool places, and allows me to hang out with my friends. I mean, climbing doesn’t cure cancer, right? But on this trip, I realized that maybe climbing can help people in a bigger way.


I saw people who had overcome one of the greatest killers in modern times fall in love with our sport, not just because it’s a fun way to pass the time, but because it gave them a way to continue fighting back and to regain control of their lives from this vicious disease.



